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CRDCN research-policy snapshot template

This template can be used for published journal articles and policy papers submitted to government.

In one sentence, describe *one* finding from the publication or report that you think is the most important to inform decision-making by those working in government. The aim here is to have readers, in a glance, recognize that your research may inform their work, so that they read further, and use/cite your research.
Describe how your finding advances understanding of current knowledge. For example, what knowledge gap does it fill or what current understandings does it challenge? Does it provide comparative analysis between time periods, geographic regions, populations? Can it help to inform decisions about targets or forecasts? You may also want to include information about the data and/or methodology that you used, but if so, be sure to use a description that would be accessible to audiences that are not data experts.
Based on the key finding and context you have written above, provide an appropriate title for the snapshot (this would be different from the title of the original article or report) that is aimed at broad government, NGO, media and public audiences.
Describe policy implications of research. Again, this should be accessible to audiences that are not experts in your field of research, but rather, are working in government policy and/or program development and evaluation.
Provide the full names of the datasets used.
Describe the sample that was studied (e.g. male immigrants aged 20-35 living in rural areas)
Select from the list above up to 5 policy areas that the research can inform. Please use these StatCan categories, as they are consistent with those used in the CRDCN researcher survey
The snapshot author must have directly contributed to writing the text in the submitted snapshot.
Please provide multiple institutions in the same order as the authors above.
We will use this email address to communicate regarding revisions to your snapshot.
If the snapshot describes work that has been published, provide full citation (including online link or DOI).
We will be promoting the snapshots on Twitter and LinkedIn and can tag you and your institution on our posts.
We will be promoting the snapshots on Twitter and LinkedIn and can tag you and your institution on our posts.
We will be promoting the snapshots on Twitter and LinkedIn and can tag you and your institution on our posts.
We will be promoting the snapshots on Twitter and LinkedIn and can tag you and your institution on our posts.

Persistent Identifier for the snapshots

Each snapshot will be given a persistent identifier to encourage/support government colleagues to cite the research. The snapshot citation will begin with the snapshot author and the format will be as follows:

Author last name, first name [if more than two authors, first author and et al. will be used] "[Title]" CRDCN research-policy snapshots . [month year] [URL persistent identifier]

Please select only one of the following as the category for which your research has the most significant policy implications:

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
If you have a table chart diagram or other data visualization that you would like to include as supplementary material (max 1 page) please attach to your submission.