Travel Survey of Residents of Canada
2011 - 2017
The TSRC is sponsored by Statistics Canada, Destination Canada, the provincial governments and municipal organizations of tourism. It measures the size of domestic travel in Canada from the demand side. The objectives of the survey are to provide information about the volume of trips and expenditures for Canadian residents by trip origin, destination, duration, type of accommodation used, trip reason, mode of travel, etc.; to provide information on travel incidence and to provide the socio-demographic profile of travellers and non-travellers. Estimates allow quarterly analysis at the national and provincial level (with varying degrees of precision) on: - total volume of same-day and overnight trips taken by residents of Canada with destinations in Canada, - same-day and overnight visits in Canada, - main purpose of the trip/key activities on trip, - spending on same-day and overnight trips taken in Canada by Canadian residents in total and by category of expenditure, - modes of transportation (main/other) used on the trip, - person-visits, household-visits, spending in total and by expense category for each location visited in Canada, - person- and household-nights spent in each location visited in Canada, in total and by type of accommodation used, - use of travel packages and associated spending and source of payment (household, government, private employer), - demographics of adults that took or did not take trips, and - travel party composition.
Available Cycles
Years | Name |
2011-2017 | Travel Survey of Residents of Canada |
Publication Note
All publications (e.g. scientific articles, reports, dissertations, theses) and presentations based on a dataset available in the RDCs should include an acknowledgement of the support provided by granting councils (SSHRC, CIHR, CFI), Statistics Canada and host university. See a sample