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About the virtual Research Data Centre (vRDC)

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The Canadian Research Data Centre Network (CRDCN) and Statistics Canada have been working with our university partners across the Network and at our host institution McMaster University to build the virtual Research Data Centre (vRDC) – a new, networked platform that will provide new and improved options for accessing Statistics Canada microdata to researchers across Canada.  

The virtual platform modernizes the IT infrastructure that supports 2,500+ CRDCN researchers across the country, through an overhaul of storage, computing and networking capacities. This enhancement will optimize technical efficiencies across the network and provide advanced computing capabilities to facilitate analysis and manipulation of large datasets. 

Importantly, the new network will allow approved researchers with eligible research projects, virtual access from authorized workspaces (e.g. office or home).  Approximately 80% of microdata files meet the criteria for remote access. The advent of the vRDC will also allow enhanced hours of operation at the RDCs, increasing flexibility for researchers accessing their project in the RDC. 

The Canadian Research Data Centre Network (CRDCN) and Statistics Canada have been working with our current Network member universities across the Network and our host institution McMaster University to build the vRDC. 

Statistics Canada’s data repository includes survey, census, administrative and linked data and continues to grow, thanks in part to a strong partnership with CRDCN and Network member universities that make this rich data more accessible for research. Currently there are over 200 datasets available for researcher access through the RDCs.  

Access to Statistics Canada confidential microdata is restricted to researchers with approved research projects. Project proposals are submitted through Statistics Canada’s Microdata Access Portal (MAP) for approval. 

See below for how to access the microdata. 

Researchers with projects eligible for remote access to the virtual network will be able to access their project from their personal computer in an authorized workspace using a secure authentication process.   

Projects not eligible for remote access will continue to be accessed in a physical RDC. Project eligibility for remote access is determined by the sensitivity level of the data being accessed. Data sensitivity is based on disclosure risk and the sensitivity of the content of the data file.  Currently 20% of the data holdings are considered highly sensitive by Statistics Canada and will be excluded from remote access. 

Please visit this site regularly and look for announcements on the rollout of the vRDC to institutions. 

About the vRDC

All access to the virtual Research Data Centre (vRDC) is virtual as the new network will be accessible through the use of virtual machines. All researcher accounts and projects, regardless of location of access, will be on the virtual infrastructure.

“Remote” access refers specifically to access from an authorized workspace such as a researcher’s home or office. Researchers and their project will need to meet specific criteria for remote access from an authorized workspace.

Following the rollout of the vRDC, researchers will be able to access their project in one or more of the following locations:  

  1. Statistics Canada Premises: A Research Data Centre (RDC) operating with Statistics Canada staff present.   
  2. Secure Room: An RDC operating without Statistics Canada staff present.   
  3. Authorized workspace: Remote access in an approved space (such as a closed office, a closed classroom or conference room, or a private space within the researcher’s personal residence).   

The location of access is determined based on a combination of (1) data sensitivity and (2) researcher accreditation.  

  1. Data Sensitivity  

Statistics Canada data sensitivity is scored as low, medium, or high based on disclosure risk and the sensitivity of the content of the data file.  

     2. Researcher Accreditation  

Level 1 Accreditation: All researchers will be eligible for Level 1 accreditation.    

Level 2 Accreditation: Researchers affiliated with an institution that is a collaborating partner of the CRDCN will be eligible for Level 2 accreditation.   

Note: A violation of vRDC protocol or security could result in the loss of accreditation for the researcher(s), or even a loss of accreditation for their affiliated institution, depending on the nature of the violation. 

Determining Factors Location of Access
Researcher Level of Accreditation Data Sensitivity RDC – Staff Present RDC – Staff Not Present Remote Access
Level 1 Low X
Medium X
High X
Level 2 Low X X X
Medium X X
High X

Timing of Rollout and Access

RDCs will be migrated to the vRDC in a staggered rollout starting in Q1 2025 and will be completed by early 2026.  

Researchers will be contacted by the CRDCN and Statistics Canada in advance of their RDC’s transition to the vRDC.  

During the rollout, all projects will be migrated from the local RDC server to the new vRDC network.   

Click here to view the Rollout Schedule. 

RDCs will be temporarily closed during their migration. Downtime is anticipated to be at least a few weeks as data is migrated, and researchers are onboarded to the new platform.  

Researchers can check the rollout schedule to see the full timeline. RDC closures will be minimized as much as possible. 

All researchers, even those with remote access, will be welcome to work on their project(s) at their RDC to benefit from the support of the RDC staff or attend training classes.

Researchers with projects not eligible for remote access (such as those with medium and high sensitivity-level data), will only be able to connect to the vRDC network at their RDC.


Researchers who are nearing the end of their projects are encouraged to complete and close their project prior to the transition. However, all projects will be migrated to the new vRDC network.  

The current system, known as the legacy system, will no longer be accessible to researchers once an RDC has migrated to the vRDC.   

No, all projects will be transitioned to the vRDC. 

The old RDC server, called the legacy system, will be decommissioned. After that, you will access your project exclusively through the new virtual infrastructure of the vRDC, whether that be at a physical RDC or remotely from an authorised workspace. 

The migration of data phase is expected to take 1-2 weeks:  

The entire rollout for each RDC will take place over a period of several (6-8) weeks. However, the data migration phase itself takes a few weeks, this is the phase during which each respective RDC will be closed, to ensure integrity of data transfer to the new vRDC system.  

Projects will be accessible after data migration has been completed and researchers have been onboarded and trained in vRDC login procedures and provided their new credentials. Training could take some time, particularly for larger centres, so projects will be configured for access and credentials provided on a priority basis. 

Researchers will be given an opportunity prior to rollout to provide information on upcoming deadlines and other aspects of their projects to facilitate this process. 

Yes, all project files will be migrated: All content currently stored in researchers’ project folders will be migrated to the vRDC and will remain available in project folders on the new infrastructure. 

Yes. The same procedures for requesting the addition of external data to a project will apply in the vRDC.

Technical Support

Support and technical assistance: 

Researcher training and orientations will include instructions on who to contact depending on the support required. 

A service request (SR) system will be available within the vRDC for technical assistance from the CRDCN, and Statistics Canada staff will be available by email or in person in the RDC. 

The base VM will be a Windows 10 desktop with 32 GB of RAM and four 2.25 GHz processors. Each processor has 4 cores, for a total of 16 cores. The machine will be similar to a 10th gen i9 or 11th gen i7 for multicore processing. Each VM will have 150 GB of flash-based storage for applications and temporary files.   

A process will be in place to request additional RAM or a more powerful GPU if required. 

The image below outlines the rollout schedule for the virtual Research Data Centre (vRDC) network.

Personnel for the first 5 Collaborating Institutions (McMaster, Windsor, Saskatchewan, York, and Memorial) will be taking part in kick-off meetings between January and March 2025.

The password-protected researcher vRDC Dashboard linked below is made available to researchers from those first Collaborating Institutions as they approach rollout and will be made available to all researchers as the rollout progresses to their institutions.

For all general questions, these Public-facing web pages for the vRDC are your resource.

How to Join the Network

Once an institution is ready for the vRDC roll-out, researchers will be contacted by Statistics Canada to review project eligibility and/or initiate next steps for virtual access. New microdata research projects that are submitted through Statistics Canada’s Microdata Access Portal (MAP) after the vRDC launch will automatically be assessed for eligibility for remote access and RDC in-person access.  

Please visit our “Find an RDC” page for a list of access partners to see if your institution is a part of our Network, then follow the steps below. 

Visit our web page on Accessing RDC Data for: 

If your institution is not currently a member of the Network: 

New microdata research projects can be submitted through Statistics Canada’s Microdata Access Portal (MAP).

If your institution is interested in joining the CRDCN, please contact with the subject line “New CRDCN Collaborating Institution”. The Network will be accepting new institutional members in late 2025 / early 2026, but you can reach out now to learn about the steps to become a member and start the process.