Business Research Microdata
2000 - 2021
Business and consumer services and cultureBusiness dynamicsBusiness ownershipBusiness performance and ownershipEarnings and wages by occupation, industry or sectEntry, exit, mergers and growthLabourOther content related to Earnings, wages and non-wOther content related to LabourSmall and medium sized businessWorkplace organization, innovation and performanceOverview
The goal of the Business Research Microdata (BRM), developed by the Economic Analysis Division at Statistics Canada, is to provide external researchers at Research Data Centres (RDC) a set of ‘core’ firm level variables that are able to satisfy the economic questions their projects seek to answer. These include variables from the balance sheet, statements of income, employment slips, etc. of enterprises in Canada. In addition, EAD has created a number of derived variables for the BRM. These variables are based on economic theory and common usage, and helps to alleviate the burden of correct specification for external researchers. The BRM resources contain a list of variables in the BRM and a data dictionary.
Available Cycles
Years | Name |
2000-2021 | Business Research Microdata |
Publication Note
All publications (e.g. scientific articles, reports, dissertations, theses) and presentations based on a dataset available in the RDCs should include an acknowledgement of the support provided by granting councils (SSHRC, CIHR, CFI), Statistics Canada and host university. See a sample