CPP & GRI issues call for abstracts
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Statistics Canada-CRDCN Data Analytics Internship accepting applicants
News, Research and Programs
Céline Le Bourdais, Thomas Lemieux, Susan McDaniel and Amélie Quesnel-Vallée, who sit on the sub-committee tasked with examining the potential gaps in Statistics Canada’s longitudinal data portfolio, invite researchers to fill in a brief questionnaire on this question, before July 15. News update: deadline extended to October 15.
Statistics Canada has only one longitudinal survey currently running, the Longitudinal International Survey of Adults (LISA), and has been expanding its use of administrative data to survey data linkages to provide a longitudinal (historical and/or prospective) component to existing or terminated surveys. But these data may still leave gaps open and questions unanswered.
The sub-committee has developed a short online survey to help provide a more fulsome picture of those potential gaps in various areas of research, with only two questions to answer:
Respond online by July 15 : https://fr.surveymonkey.com/r/RHHRR65 N.B. The deadline is extended to October 15.
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