Women’s gains on the labour market: A synthesis of research
Auteurs: Carole Vincent
Résumé (français)
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Résumé (anglais)
Despite recent improvements and the existence of employment equity and pay equity legislations, both at the federal and provincial levels, women continue to earn less than men, even among younger and more educated cohorts. Why is the gender wage gap persisting? In this presentation, we review possible explanations put forward in the literature and summarize the main findings of a body of empirical research using Canadian data.
Type | Vidéo |
Auteur | Carole Vincent |
Année de pulication | 2012 |
Titre | Women’s gains on the labour market: A synthesis of research |
Longueur | 17:30 |
Langue de publication | Anglais |
Presentateur | Carole Vincent |
Type de vidéo | Vidéo YouTube |
Type de présentation | CRDCN 2012 National Conference Presentation |
Date de la présentation | 2012-10-24 |